Our annual Exhibition is all set for 7th and 8th of March 2026.

We look forward to seeing you there!

 Our club rooms are in Unit 12, Aqueduct Mill, Aqueduct Street, Preston.  PR1 7JN (see here for the exact location and directions).

This is a comfortable industrial unit situated behind the Mill. Here the Society’s layouts are displayed and in use. We are fortunate in being able to have layouts set up permanently (if not at exhibitions!) and members are, of course, welcome to run their own stock on them.

There are refreshment facilities and toilets. There is also ample free parking, and a chair lift is available for those with mobility issues.

We currently have getting on for 50 male and female members. Everyone is welcome, however, junior members under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

If you are interested in joining, please drop in! We are happy for prospective members to come to the club a couple of times before they commit to anything.

The society meets each week on:

Mondays             7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Wednesdays      2.00 pm to 4.00 pm and  8.00 pm to 10.00 pm

Fridays              8.00 pm to 10.00 pm

Note: Club rooms may not be open bank holidays; they will be closed the first Monday of October (for the AGM) and the Friday before the exhibition.

Our layouts in the model press:

Congratulations to Karl Smith, whose layout “Fallahill” is featured in the December 2020 of  British Railway Modelling , together with excellent photos. We need to see about getting a proper write-up for the web site!

Our large 00 layout, “Euxton Junction” which gives scope for both DC and DCC operations, was debuted at our 2017 exhibition and has appeared as layout of the month in the October 2018 edition of  Railway Modeller  magazine. More recently, it was in the March 2023 edition of  British Railway Modelling.

“Tellem Summit” has been photographed for a further article in  Hornby Magazine - Britain's fastest growing model railway magazine which is awaiting publication.

Great Endon, Jeremy Davison’s layout and a regular on the exhibition circuit, appeared in Railway Modeller  in January 2017.

“Ardson” was featured in  Railway Modeller  in January 2008 and “Tellem Summit” in August 2014.

“Bee Lane” was in  British Railway Modelling  November 2008, and in model_rail in September 2015. “Bee Lane” is now retired.